This week was pretty chill.
Monday : We really just spent a ton of time trying to find more people, we didn't find any. That's how Monday went ...
Tuesday: We had our district meeting with a new district. I miss my old district but the people in my new one are pretty cool too.
Wednesday: We went out again, to find new people. Didn't find any.
Thursday: We got to meet our new Mission president. I was really sad to see President Riggs go home and at our last transfer meeting it was hard to say goodbye to him and his wife. But I know that President Huntsman is suppose to be here. He has already given us some great advice. He came to visit our zone on his second day out in Virginia and mind you we had been finding all week and we weren't having any luck. So he starts talking and he introduces his family and then he mentions Abinadi from the Book of Mormon. He went on to explain why he liked Abinadi, and how he was the greatest example of a missionary. Abinadi went out and taught and taught and taught. He did not convert even one person. But eventually Alma, whom Abinadi taught, converted. Alma went on to convert a multitude.
President Huntsman said something really encouraging. He said that he knows that we were supposed to be where we are and even if it seems we aren't doing well or succeeding, we are helping someone. It was super uplifting. After we met President Huntsman we had a zone lunch with President Bush, the Stake President. It was fun and uplifting. We talked about goals for our stake and this transfer. Following, we had a meeting with our newly called ward mission leader. We were trying to get a feel for what his ward mission plan is and everything. After all this, we went home and ate. After we ate, we had a meeting with the Bishop to see what he wanted done this transfer. Finally, we went home and slept.
President Huntsman said something really encouraging. He said that he knows that we were supposed to be where we are and even if it seems we aren't doing well or succeeding, we are helping someone. It was super uplifting. After we met President Huntsman we had a zone lunch with President Bush, the Stake President. It was fun and uplifting. We talked about goals for our stake and this transfer. Following, we had a meeting with our newly called ward mission leader. We were trying to get a feel for what his ward mission plan is and everything. After all this, we went home and ate. After we ate, we had a meeting with the Bishop to see what he wanted done this transfer. Finally, we went home and slept.
Friday: We planned for the next week.
Saturday: Our District Leader and his companion came by and gave us some chocolate. Then very hesitantly asked if we could go to a meeting. We asked when, they said in 30 minutes, which the church is 25 minutes away. We said yes. After the meeting (It was just our District) the elders invited us to a 4th of July party. We asked President Huntsman for permission. When he heard that 8 elders were going, he said it was fine.
We hurried home and made some food. Then we went to the party. We played board games all night. It was tons of fun. We actually had the opportunity to stay out till 12.
Sunday: It was so hard to wake up!!! ugh.. But .... Church was GREAT!!!
Other things that happened this week...
I named a bird that I have been feeding. His name is Jack because he is a Sparrow.
Jack Sparrow ... I hope it makes you laugh, because it makes me laugh.
Jack Sparrow ... I hope it makes you laugh, because it makes me laugh.
I had a guy propose to me this week. I haven't called him back and I am passing him off to the elders...
I hope everyone had a good 4th of July and had fun. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Thought for the Week...
President Heber J. Grant
“From my childhood days I have understood that we believe absolutely that the Constitution of our country is an inspired instrument, and that God directed those who created it and those who defended the independence of this nation. Concerning this matter it is my frequent pleasure to quote the statement by Joseph Smith, regarding the Constitution: ‘The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; it is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a heavenly banner; it is, to all those who are privileged with the sweets of liberty, like the cooling shades and refreshing waters of a great rock in a weary and thirsty land. It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun.’ [TPJS 147]. And such the Constitution of the United States must be to every faithful Latter-day Saint who lives under its protection.”
February 1940
“Lincoln and Law.” Improvement Era (Feb 1940) 43:73, 127.
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