I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints!
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Monday, December 15, 2014

Mexican Jumping Beans

Mexican Jumping Beans!!!

Soooooo this week has been going great! I am finally starting to feel comfortable around people and I am beginning to talk to them in Spanish!. I am learning the language slowly, but surely. The learning curve is steep, but worth it.

Yesterday we had 8 investigators at church! We have one with a baptismal date and 6 that want to be baptized, but have to have permission from parents or are still progressing through the lessons. So that's awesome! We have one prospect that is 7 years old and he is determined to be baptized next month as soon as he turns 8.

We also had a very fruitful week proselyting,surely, as we met with 9 new investigators and it seems like everything is going great in our area. Being so new to this whole missionary thing, I seem to have this dreadful feeling that I am doing everything wrong! I feel that I need to learn so much and that I might say or do something that I shouldn't. But yeah, other then that I love it out here! It seems that almost all of our members and investigators are illegal immigrants, but hey, I just love them anyway. It seem that they are super hard workers and amazing people with fascinating stories ….. and by the way, it is super funny how many illegal immigrants work cleaning government officials offices!!

So yeah I know the title sounds really racist but it is kinda true for this week. We were invited to attend some of the churches of our investigators, and we think it is always a good idea to attend other churches since we ask so many to attend ours! So off we go on Sunday to another Church's worship service ….. and honestly it wasn't terrible, it was just different compared to what I am used to. There was a sermon which I don't understand much of because its all in Spanish ….. and you know how good my Spanish is …... There were a lot of AMENs in Spanish! They also love to sing and dance and are cheering to loud music ... needless to say it was a learning experience for me, and a fun one!

Other then that, food wise we had one appointment this week and I asked the members if we could have quesadillas ….. so that was good and I offered to make some fries, hoping that they would approve .... now remember they are from Mexico and they like everything hot, really HOT! This is the family feeds us every Thursday ..... so any way I put enough chili powder to kill a cat on these fries, and then I made a couple of batches that didn't have any chili powder for all the missionaries. I didn't want the members to think we were skipping the hot stuff, so I put paprika on our fries so they looked hot!! I give the members my really hot fries …. and they were all in tears! Then you look at all 5 Hermanas and we are all eating the fries just fine.... which would have been great had the members not put more fries on my plate! I thought I was going to die.... tears were shed...

But I love your logo... Nice design and mom is looking good! I am so happy I have the opportunity to be out here. I don't want you to think I don't but, it is hard.... Harder then then I ever thought it was going to be, but I know I can get through it. Sorry about my complaining.

So cool things I have noticed this week is that there is always joy. I Love being here around the holidays! Emotionally this week has been a roller coaster, but on the other hand I have seen miracles.I love seeing the smiles on people's faces and how people want to give to others around this time of year. Any way, thank you so much for all the pictures, I love them and I hope your week will be fantastic.

But other then that I had a great week this week, all in all, life is great....

Until next week,
Hermana Atkinson
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Washington D.C. South Mission

Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Washington D.C. South Mission

Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Washington D.C. South Mission

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